Gone Sailing, Camping and Fishing

During most summers since I was 12, I go sailing.  I currently sail on these beautiful  wooden “Couta” boats – named after the fish they were built to catch. There was a large fishing fleet of the them prior to the 1940’s. They typically fished 15-20 miles from port, so it was always a race to get their fish to market first for the weight loss capsules best price. As a consequence so the designs became quite developed. New boats are now being built to a set of design rules– the number on the sail corresponding to the year. It is sailing at its purest – no electronic instruments – no winches – it comes down to feel and teamwork. The boats attract top sailors after they have finished at the elite level as they are satisfying to sail and combine the social side as well. Competition is fierce. Children can learn to sail from our club – which mine did. My youngest was a National Champion and went onto sail Lasers, 420s and 49ers at the elite level.  This year has been one of our best – since Christmas we have had 3 firsts and a third including a second in the Nationals after a handicap is applied . A good omen for 2016. Below I am on the helm of “Sally”, working her to windward in 15-18 knots – which is our typical summer sea-breeze. The wind comes over the cliffs so the water is relatively smooth. Boats are the “natural habitat” of our products and sailing on a “Couta” boat provided some of the inspiration.

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Winners are grinners South Channel

Heather Murphy, our Administration Manager, spent her summer break camping with her family at Mallacoota, north of Melbourne.

Danny Dang, our Production Manager,  spent his summer break with his family at Merimbula, also north of Melbourne, pursuing his passion for fishing from a “tinny” (aluminium boat).



